Busy Zone – Pre School & Reception
Miss Emma Sumpter
Class Teacher (Monday – Thursday)
Miss Suzanne Bray
Class Teacher (Friday)
Mrs Natasha Butcher
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Jo Thorniley
Teaching Assistant
Busy Zone
Welcome to the Busy Zone, where the youngest children begin their learning in school.
The children are encouraged to be strong independent learners. Following their interests and guided by positive adult support.
The classroom and outside area are full of rich learning opportunities for play and playful teaching.
The teaching staff ensure active and challenging experiences are explored fully.
We encourage the children to talk about their learning and to be reflective about the next steps along their learning journey.
Family Learning
A fun and interactive game to help children recognise and use phonics
Oxford Owl Reading – An excellent source of Phonics information and support, with the added advantage of free ebooks to download and share as a family
Busy Zone Spring 2 2025 - Amazing Animals!
This term Busy Zone will be focusing our learning on ‘Amazing Animals, beginning this wonderful topic with another visit to Rustikated! Learning about the animals that live in our locality and how we care for them, will be our focus in science before widening our learning to look at animals around the world, comparing needs and considering habitats. This will link into our exploration of countries around the world in Geography. We will also be exploring the changes in seasonal weather through stories, poetry, music and outdoor learning. We will link our learning to think about how animals adapt to the change in weather and learn about their habitats.
We will explore questions about Easter and new life/growth all around us. We will take care of the wildlife within our school grounds as part of our outdoor learning and start to get the garden ready for planting. We will look at what we have grown in the past year and make a plan for the coming year. This will lead into our D&T unit, where we will be exploring food, making our own soup creation!
In our PE we will explore dance, and this will link in with our Music topic of ‘music and movement’, so a very creative time will ensue.
Busy Zone Spring 1 2025 - Once upon a story......
This half term we will be immersing ourselves in the imaginary world of storytelling, from traditional tales such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Gingerbread Man to newer stories like We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. We will investigate goodies and baddies and use this knowledge to change events, characters, endings and even make up our own adventures!
We will begin with the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, linking this to our learning about the History. We will think about where Traditional Tales originated and how storytelling has developed. Exploration of the story of Cormoran and St Michael’s Mount will link in with the local area and we hope to be able to visit Marazion beach to see the famous mount for ourselves.
Linking with our Art we will be studying painting as a medium. Beginning with finger painting and moving on to exploring marks with different brushes we will consider how our marks on page tell a story. This will lead onto an exploration of John Dyer, looking specifically at his paintings of St Michael’s Mount. We will use his pictures as inspiration to create own linked with the Cornish Tales we have learnt.
We will be investigating how to keep the Gingerbread man dry, building houses for the Three Little Pigs and designing a new bridge for the Billy Goats to cross the river.
In PE we will be exploring gymnastics, looking closely at how we move our bodies under and over apparatus. PE days will remain on a Friday so please ensure your child wears their PE kit on this day.
Our unit of study in Music will be Musical stories, this is a unit based on traditional children’s tales and songs. Moving to music with instruction, changing movements to match the tempo, pitch or dynamic of the piece; understanding that music and instruments can be used to convey moods or represent characters; playing an instrument as part of a group story.
In RE we will be learning why the word ‘God’ is so important to Christians. We will explore the creation story and learn that Christians believe Jesus told stories or parables about how much God loves them and find out what this means for believers today.
Busy Zone Autumn 1 2024 - Marvellous Me!
To start this new academic year our topic is ‘Marvelous Me!’ Throughout the term we will share what is special and unique about each and every one of us and how our similarities and differences make us special. We will explore themes of belonging which will include the belonging to a family and how different faiths welcome new babies into their family. We will share our own families, and create a display filled with photos to help us get to know each other.
We will learn about what our bodies and start to think about how to keep healthy and clean and start our PE curriculum- beginning with locomotion. In outdoor learning we will explore the woodland and themes of awe, wonder and thankfulness will be the basis for our activities as we observe the change to the season.
We will link our computing learning with our Science. Taking photos of body parts to create a person, making labels and finally creating movement algorithms.
Throughout the term we will have opportunities to explore mark making, beginning with an introduction to our creative area and all of the wonderful materials we can use to make marks in different ways. This will lead into us writing our names and making labels for our classroom.