
Spelling is taught in all classes from Years 1 -6 using the Spelling Shed Programme throughout the week and reinforced across the curriculum. In EYFS and KS1 where pupils are following the RWI programme, new words and initial spelling strategies form part of the phonics programme and discreet writing sessions.  New spelling patterns and spelling rules as well as statutory words are taught on a weekly basis with opportunities to practise, apply and develop spelling skills and knowledge throughout the week, across all areas of curriculum. Pupils are supported further with access to Nessy spelling and other interventions as necessary in Key Stage Two. 

Handwriting in our school begins with correct letter formation, before moving onto a cursive style in KS1 when it is appropriate to do so. This is then continued all the way through KS2. 

Writing is at the heart of school topics and opportunities to write are planned for in all curriculum areas. In English, writing is taught through a range of high quality texts linking to our History, Geogrpahy, Science and other topic areas to make English in our curriculum exciting and relevant to their overall topic learning.  This is done by using and exciting stimuli, including books, film clips, outdoor learning and personal experiences. All staff work towards enhancing vocabulary ensuring chidlren are familiar with tier 2 (exciting) vocabulary and tier 3 (technical) vocabulary. Grammar is discreteyl taught within units of work wth support of sentence types to help pupils develop and enrich their writing experiences. Pupils are taught to recognise the range of social functions that writing can perform (e.g. persuade, instruct, inform) and to develop a clear understanding of the structure and language features associated with different genres of text. 

Teachers use a range of strategies, such as modelled and shared writing to enhance pupils’ understanding of the writing process and all children are set personal targets to support this even further which are regularly reviewed and discussed with the children. There is a clear progression in the teaching of English which includes the familiarisation of the text type through reading, the identification of structure and language features, modelled writing, shared writing, guided writing and independent writing.  Progression of teaching writing includes exploring features, planning, drafting, assessing and editing. Pupils are taught to edit their writing, knowing this is an integral part of the writing process and to assess and reflect either independently, with their peers or their class teacher. 


Writing Overview Age 2 to Year 6

Sentence Types Progressions Y1-Y6

Grammar Information at Sithney

Year 1 Common Exception Words

Year 2 Common Exception Words

Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings