
We have designed a history and geography-rich curriculum that connects learning by building an understanding of ideas, concepts, chronology and themes through the framework of herethere, thennow and next. These thinking threads create opportunities to learn from the past to equip children for an ever-changing and exciting future. 

In maths, we learn through the here and now, developing our knowledge for the next step in our learning journey.


At Sithney School we strive to promote a love of learning of mathematics, encouraging pupils to be curious, confident and independent mathematicians.  It is important they do no see mathematics as a stand alone subject, but make links to its presence and use in the wider world.  Through a robust delivery of mathematics we aspire for children to be proficient and fluent in their understanding of number and be able to problem solve using mathematical thinking.


At Sithney School, pupils access daily mathematics lessons with a focus on fluency, variation, reasoning and problem-solving, in line with the national curriculum. Each class follows the same lesson structure throughout the school from Y1-6, providing consistency with expectation.  The structure is adapted appropriately for the younger pupils in  Pre-school and Reception. An age appropriate, consistent vocabulary of mathematics is used throughout the school to support transition from year group to year group.

A small steps approach is used to deliver the teaching of mathematics, supporting children with building on prior knowledge and therefore also a deeper understanding where they can make connections, identify relationships and patterns, and be able to apply this knowledge to their learning.   It is expected that the majority of pupils will access the learning at the same pace.  However, where pupils require extra support, teachers will adapt plans and learning to ensure pupils have time to consolidate, revisit and recap to develop a more secure understanding.  Mental arithmetic is practised daily and calculation strategies are taught explicitly with an emphasis on number facts and fluency (see Calculation policy for progression of skills).

Pupils access the learning objectives for the lesson from whole class teaching and develop a deeper understanding of the objective through further independent work. Where appropriate, concrete resources are used in addition to visual/pictorial resource, to support the learning before introducing the abstract representation. Talking about maths is an integral part of the lesson and pupils are encouraged to answer in clear sentences and explain their learning using ‘Stem’ sentences to develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills. Pupils are encouraged to support and learn from each other through ‘learning buddies’ and ‘talk time’ with the emphasis on explaining and solving problems together through mathematical discussion.

At Sithney School we follow the White Rose Curriculum, basing lessons on their small step objectives and adapting the work to meet the needs of the pupils.  EYFS ad KS1 also use Mastering Number to support mathematical understanding.  Additional resources to support the teaching of mathematics may be taken from the NCETM and NRich, for example.



Teachers use precise questioning to assess declarative and procedural knowledge throughout the lesson to identify those making progress and those requiring intervention. This formative assessment enables teachers to address misconceptions or develop pupil thinking further to make connections.  It is also used to adapt and structure future planning to ensure pupils are not moving forwards in their learning too quickly. A short summative assessment of the main learning objectives also takes place at the end of each unit of work and pupils in KS1 and KS2 undertake an Autumn, Spring and Summer term assessment.  Teachers use these assessment to address any gaps in learning.


Calculation Policy Nursery and Reception

Calculation Policy Addition.Subtraction

Calculation Policy Multiplication.Division

Maths Vocabulary



Useful Websites:

White Rose 1 minute maths app: free to download