Living to learn, learning to live
We have designed a vocabulary rich curriculum that connects learning by building an understanding of ideas, concepts, chronology and themes through the framework of ‘here, there and then, now, next’. These thinking threads link learning meaningfully to create opportunities to learn from the past and present as well as equipping children for an ever-changing and exciting future.
We explore science through the ‘here’ and ‘now’, reflecting on how theories, research and ideas from ‘then’ have led to discoveries and future innovations of ‘next’.
Science Implementation
Science units are linked to the class topic where appropriate to ensure the learning is meaningful and relevant whilst the rolling programme ensures full coverage across the curriculum. We use Plymouth Science and the Ogden Trust to deliver discrete weekly sessions to ensure scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of all primary aspects of biology, chemistry and physics are taught . This includes accurate understanding and use of subject specific vocabulary in both written work and discussion in class. This key vocabulary is reflected on learning walls and displays.
Each unit of work aims to have at least one link with a key feature of scientific enquiry and may include observing, identifying and classifying, looking for patterns, researching and fair testing. Fair testing is presented as 5 areas: question, prediction, method (including equipment), results and conclusion. Pupils progress from identifying variables (what to change, what to keep the same and what to measure) to designing their own tests. Specific maths skills are used to collect, present and analyse data from fair testing. Where relevant links are made with uses and implications of science today.
What we want to see:
Science should develop pupils’ understanding of the world, nurture their curiosity and teach essential skills.
Build their understanding of science in their lives and the opportunities open to them as adults.
A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.
They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.
Scientific Enquiry and Working Scientifically Skills
Biology Chemistry and Physics strands with concepts
Science Knowledge and Skills Coverage EYFS
Y1.2 Plants Knowledge Organiser
Y1.2 Living things and their habitats Knowledge Organiser
Y1.2 Materials Knowledge Organiser
Y1.2 Seasons Knowledge Organiser
Y1.2 Animals including humans – classification Knowledge Organiser
Y3.4 Electricity Knowledge Organsier
Y3.4 Plants Knoweldge Organsier
Y3.4 Forces and magnets Knowledge Organsier
Y3.4 Rocks and State of Matter Knowledge Organiser
Y3.4 The Body Knowledge Organsier
Y3.4. Living things and their habitats Knowledge Organiser
Y3.4 Light and Sound Knowledge Organsier
Y5.6 Circulatory System and Healthy Eating Knowledge Organiser
Y5.6 Earth and Space Knowledge Organiser
Y5.6 Classification Knowledge Organsier
Y5.6 Electricity Knowledge Organiser
Y5.6 Evolution and Inheritance Knowledge Organiser
Y5.6 Forces Knowledge Organiser
Y5.6 Light Knoweldge Organsier
Y5.6 Plant and Animal Life cycles Knoweldge Organsier
Y5.6 Properties and Changes of Materials Knowledge Organiser