School Aims and Vision

We aim to:

Provide a safe and happy learning environment in which all pupils can thrive.

To be an inclusive school where differences are respected and celebrated.

Promote a life-long love of learning.

Have high expectations and aspirations for each and every child.

Support our pupils with developing resilience and perseverance so they can achieve and overcome barriers now and in the future.

Nurture a sense of self-responsibility and to work both collaboratively and independently.

For pupils to advocate themselves coherently and respectfully.

We have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum with opportunity to enhance learning experiences outside of the classroom, as well as nurturing personal growth and development.  Pupil voice is important and members are democratically elected onto the  School and Eco Councils.  Our  main values ( curiosity, perseverance, kindness, aspiration and respect) coupled with our drivers, guide the culture of our school.