School Uniform

The purpose of school uniform is to:

  • Encourage a sense of pride and belonging to a community
  • Encourage pupils to take pride in their appearance and presentation
  • Encourage a sense of equality
  • Help ensure pupils’ clothing is practical, appropriate, safe and comfortable
  • Encourage good behaviour for learning by establishing a link between school uniform and expected behaviour in school and lessons.


Pupils are required to wear:

  • grey or black school trousers, skirt or pinafore dress – blue or yellow gingham dress
  • yellow polo shirt
  • royal blue top or cardigan

If parents wish to order uniform items with a Sithney School logo, this can be ordered and paid for directly from

Every effort has been made by the school to ensure that the uniform is a combination of the following:

  • affordable
  • easily sourced
  • good quality

Dress code

A sensible dress code includes:

  • skirts, dresses and shorts to be a reasonable, appropriate length
  • plain socks or tights in black, grey or white
  • all shoes with socks or tights
  • no open toed sandals or crocs
  • no jewellery except watches and stud earrings
  • long hair to be tidy and tied back
  • no nail polish

PE kit

PE kits should consist of:

  • white or yellow t-shirt, preferably with the school logo
  • black or blue shorts, leggings or track suit bottoms
  • pair of socks
  • pair of trainers

Swimming kit

Swimming kits should consist of:

  • clean pair of swimming trunks or a full swimming costume (not a bikini)
  • clean, dry towel
  • swimming cap for long hair
  • swimming goggles if preferred
  • sensible separate bag

Outdoor Education

Parents and pupils will be notified if pupils need to bring a change of clothes or wear something specific e.g. for outdoor activities, school trips or messy activities.

School Trips

Pupils will be expected to wear full school uniform on all school trips unless instructed otherwise.

Additional items

In addition, hats, book bags and PE bags are available to order from the same company. Each pupil must have a bag to transport reading books, homework books, newsletters and school correspondence.

School Uniform Stock

School uniform can be purchased from  They will have stock of royal blue sweatshirt tops and yellow polo or t-shirts in a range of sizes.
In addition, Sithney School will happily receive clean, good quality tops, trousers, skirts and dresses which are no longer required by families, for other families who wish to recycle them.  Every half term the school council runs  a swap shop where people can donate and take old uniform.

Second hand uniform

The school’s trust council run a half termly swap shop, where parents can pick up and donate pre-loved uniform for free. The dates are advertised in the weekly newsletter and on the school’s Facebook page.


Pupils are strongly encouraged to wear school uniform and adhere to the dress code. If a child arrives at school without school uniform they will be offered a top from the school’s stock of school uniform tops. If they are dressed inappropriately, the pupil and the parents/ carers will be reminded of the school uniform policy and dress code.
As is the case with any school rule or policy, parents and pupils are kindly asked to respect the school uniform policy. By attending Sithney Primary School, and signing the home school agreement, it is expected that parents and pupils will follow all existing policies and adopt any new policies.
If pupils repeatedly refuse to wear school uniform, a letter may be sent home to inform parents that their child has not adhered to the school uniform policy or dress code and to remind parents of the policy. As is the case with any school rule or policy, if pupils persistently refuse to follow the school uniform policy, possible sanctions outlined in the positive behaviour policy may come into force.