
Living to learn, learning to live.

Aim: That pupils understand and learn from the past.

We have designed a vocabulary rich curriculum that connects learning by building an understanding of ideas, concepts, chronology and themes through the framework of ‘here, there and then, now, next’. These thinking threads link learning meaningfully to create opportunities to learn from the past and present as well as equipping children for an ever-changing and exciting future.

In History we investigate what happened there and then, to understand the impact it has on the world here and now, and use those lessons to shape the future next.

In history, pupils are taught about the past in Britain and the wider world in a way which encourages curiosity, critical thinking and perceptive questioning. Evidence from the past and judgements of historians are considered.

Pupils are taught to compare people’s lives, societies and challenges from the past with that of others now and in the past and of their own. Pupils are expected to know and understand significant aspects of history and historical concepts and are encouraged with support to use correct historical terminology in written work and discussion.

History Long Term Plan

History Core Concepts Progression

History Core Concepts Definitions

Busy Zone - Nursery Rhymes

In this unit, pupils will explore the origin of nursery rhymes.  We will learn a variety of nursery rhymes, saying which we like and dislike before exploring the language and pictures used to portray scenes, and consider how these have changed over time.  We will learn to recognise similarities and differences and begin to say which we prefer and why.

EYFS Nursery Rhymes Outline


Wonder Zone - Mary Anning

Children will learn about Mary Anning as a significant female in history.  They will learn about the importance of her life, the sequence of her life, the impact that she made at the time when it was considered a man’s world and the impact it has had on life today.

Year 1.2 Mary Anning Outline

Smart Zone - How did the arrival of The Romans change Britain?

This unit of work focuses on the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain at the time and the legacy it left us. We explore the concept of invasion as for the first time in British History a foreign power succeeded in an invasion. Also, why Boudicca is a historical heroine and why the Romans were only one battle away from being forced to retreat Britain. As the Romans used stone, brick and cement, a lot of the construction remains today (Hadrain’s Wall), children will discuss this importance.

Y3.4 Romans Outline

Study Zone - Vikings and Anglo Saxons

This unit of work focuses on the invasion of Britain by the Vikings and how they fought against the Anglo-Saxons for land. Anglo-Saxon Life is compared to that of Viking life and children learn about how the Kingdoms are ruled –the defeat of the Vikings by Alfred the Great, to his successors, up until the time of William the Conqueror who became the first king of England.

Y5.6 Vikings and Anglo Saxons Outline